How to drop items here’s the way to drop things in pubg pc enter your stock by squeezing [tab] or [i] snap and drag the thing over the left half of your screen to the opening where it says [ground] and discharge dropping a weapon that is got connections prepared will drop both. Pubg drop one item. Pubg mobile: here are the best practices to loot airdrops right pubg mobile regulars will know all about airdrops for newbies, airdrops are those huge blue crates that emit red smoke and is something all 100 players on the map look forward to.
pubg drop one item
Some ultra-rare items will drop only once in every 10,000 crates and here are the odds on the rarest items, all found in pubg’s new free biker really want one of these ultra-rare items. If you are playing the pubg duo mode and you want to split ammo and items with your partner, or if you just want to drop a specific number of ammo in general, this is the guide for you.. The drop arrives as any ordinary air drop would, but contains the equivalent of two ordinary air drops, often giving two crate-exclusive weapons amongst other top tier items, such as an aug a3 and awm together with a suppressor, or an m249 and m24 with a suppressor and level 3 backpack/vest..